GREAT GAME! I wish it had existed at least 10 years ago because it was sorely needed, but it's never too late to do things. La jugabilidad es fiel al original, los niveles son disfrutables, combinan muchas mecánicas de los Crash Bandicoot clásicos con el nuevo Crash Bandicoot 4 haciéndolo mucho mas disfrutable.Įn cuanto al modo maker, muy bien hecho, es cómodo y fácil de usar, aunque le faltan cosas como por ejemplo: nombrar las opciones, añadir opciones para hacer personalizable el fondo y la música, tener la opción de hacer el juego mas 3D, porque solo tiene modo 2D al estilo bonus y agregar una opción para embellecer los escenarios, para darle mas vida a los niveles personalizados pues, pero de resto 10/10. Tremendo juego, ojalá hubiese existido por lo menos hace 10 años porque hacia mucha falta, pero nunca es tarde para hacer las cosas.

We post regularly about progress and chat about the game in The Warp Room Discord server, where many users also share their levels that you can play: We have attempted to solve as many bugs as we could, but we know we did not manage to get them all and we hope you will continue to be patient as we push towards 1.0. 8 New mechanical blocks: Iron Checkpoint, POW crate, Nitro arrow, one-way trampoline, scarab platforms, Trial Timer, larger moving Platform New decorative blocks/themes: Arabian, Egypt, Sunset Vista, Ruin, etc

9 new enemies: RobotWalker, Sparky TentacleBot, SwordGuy, SwordThrower, Poacher, Rat, Saw Turtle, Saucer and Seal In v.093 we have added 5 new levels and 5 new flashback tapes, as well as adding many new blocks, enemies, gems, songs, and some new crates to Crash Creator. It seems the love letter was well received. We are blown away by the positive feedback and reception, thank you very much for having fun with it ! In an effort to gain a better understanding on how to create 3D platformer controllers in Unity, we set out on a month long adventure to produce this love letter to Crash Bandicoot!